December 15, 2022

Avy webinar: Can we afford not to engage the tenants?

Avy webinar: Can we afford not to engage the tenants?

The times we live in place higher demands on cost efficiencies and sustainability. Today, no housing company can afford not to care about the tenants. Many people have found that a satisfied tenant with a good relationship with their landlord can be the company's best resource. Then it's about understanding the concept of customer journey and giving the tenant the right tools to get engaged.

Note: This content is in Swedish

We're discussing the issue with some of the nation's sharpest leaders in private and utility housing companies. They tell us how engaged tenants can help the company achieve high goals for, among other things, cost efficiency, new revenue opportunities, energy savings and security. The participants are Gisela Bosco, Head — Customer Innovation, MKB Fastighets AB, Magnus Jägre, Head of Sustainability and Innovation, Studentbostäder i Norden AB, Lena Liljendahl, expert — housing issues, Sveriges Allmännytta, Henrik Svanqvist, co-founder and business development, Avy. Moderator is Per Ankersjö, A Beautiful Soup.

The webinar is organized by Avy in collaboration with Urban Development Days365.

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