Avy offers ready-made tenant experience services through the Avy Marketplace as well as the possibility for real estate companies to offer their own services. It provides a smoother and better service for the tenants. For the real estate company, this means reduced costs, lower risk and new revenue opportunities — in an effective solution.
The Tenant Experience Platform makes property management simple and smooth with services adapted to both the journey and the needs of the tenants. Avy delivers the right service at the right time — always with market-leading conditions.
When moving in, tenants have access to insurance for the home and the possibility of insuring the rent. This creates not only increased security but also financial security for both tenants and housing operators.
Avy's large customer base allows it to offer preferential deals that generate revenue for both housing companies and service providers. This creates new opportunities for both increased service and higher profitability.
choose to sign an electricity contract in Avy´s Tenant Experience Platform
choose to insure their home through Avy´s Tenant Experience Platform